Dave Portnoy Bets Big on NCAA Tournament: $600,000 on UConn & $25,000 on New Mexico
Dave Portnoy, the founder of Barstool Sports, is no stranger to high-stakes gambling, and his latest wager is turning heads in the sports betting community. Portnoy has placed a staggering $600,000 bet on the UConn Huskies to win the NCAA Tournament. This adventurous move was executed through DraftKings, one of the leading sports betting platforms. With the Huskies holding +360 odds to secure the title, a win for UConn would mean a whopping $2.76 million payout for Portnoy.

Why UConn?

The UConn Huskies are entering the tournament as the No. 1 overall seed, a position that undoubtedly bolsters Portnoy's confidence in their potential to win. His belief in the team is clear, as he shared on social media, "I have made a large bet. I really don't think there is anybody who can play with #uconn." This sentiment is echoed in the broader betting community, with about 25% of those filling out brackets favoring UConn to clinch the title. Despite acknowledging the widespread agreement among bettors about UConn's chances—"Yes, I am worried that everybody is picking them"—Portnoy's wager shows a bold faith in their capabilities.

The Underdog Bet: New Mexico Lobos

In a surprising twist, Portnoy has not put all his eggs in one basket. Alongside his hefty bet on UConn, he has placed a $25,000 wager on the No. 11 seed New Mexico Lobos. Despite being widely considered underdogs, a triumph for the Lobos would net Portnoy a $575,000 payout. This decision underlines Portnoy's willingness to back his gut feelings with substantial amounts of money, showcasing a strategy that blends high stakes with an intuitive approach to gambling. The Lobos certainly face a challenging journey ahead. Their underdog status means overcoming several more favored teams to progress through the tournament. Portnoy's choice to bet on them highlights his penchant for embracing risk and finding value in unlikely places.

Influence on Sports Betting

Portnoy's bets, especially when made public, have a significant impact on the sports betting landscape. His transparency in sharing both the process and the reasoning behind his decisions offers a unique window into the world of high-stakes betting. It's not just about the money for Portnoy; it’s about the thrill of the gamble and being part of the broader narrative of the NCAA Tournament. His engagement with the tournament adds an additional layer of excitement for fans and bettors alike. Portnoy's reputation for making bold bets and his willingness to put substantial amounts of money on the line amplify the stakes and generate buzz within the betting community and beyond.


Dave Portnoy's latest bets on the NCAA Tournament—$600,000 on UConn and $25,000 on New Mexico—underscore his audacious approach to sports betting. With a potential $2.76 million payout from a UConn victory on the line, all eyes will be on the Huskies as they strive to justify Portnoy's confidence in them. Meanwhile, the New Mexico Lobos, the clear underdogs, carry the weight of a smaller but no less significant bet. Portnoy's strategy of combining high-risk bets with gut-feel decisions continues to influence the sports betting domain, providing both excitement and insight into the thought process of one of the most famous bettors. As the NCAA Tournament progresses, whether or not his predictions come to fruition, Dave Portnoy’s boldness and transparency have already made their mark.