Marquette King: A Journey Back to the NFL

Marquette King: A Journey Back to the NFL

Punter Marquette King is determined to make an NFL comeback. At 35 years old, King believes he still has what it takes to compete at the highest level. His career has been nothing short of a roller coaster, filled with both notable highs and challenging lows.

King’s professional journey began in 2012 when he joined the Oakland Raiders. Over the next five years, he became a cornerstone of their special teams, playing in 84 games. During his tenure with the Raiders, King led the NFL in punting yards in 2014 and managed to post a career-long punt of 72 yards. By the end of his time in Oakland, he had accumulated an impressive 20,822 yards on 446 punts, with 163 of those landing inside the 20-yard line.

His performance on the field earned him a lucrative three-year, $7 million contract with the Denver Broncos in 2018. However, his time in Denver was cut short. An unfortunate thigh injury placed him on injured reserve in October of that year, leading to his eventual release from the team. This setback could have spelled the end for many athletes, but King wasn't ready to hang up his cleats.

In the years following his NFL stint, King continued to demonstrate his punting prowess. He led the XFL in punting yards in 2020 and showcased his skills in the United Football League (UFL) as well, recently being named the All-UFL punter with the Arlington Renegades. Just this year, King added an XFL championship to his list of accomplishments, a testament to his enduring talent and dedication.

Despite not transitioning to the NFL after the UFL's inaugural season, King's determination to return to the league remains unwavering. He has been vocal about his abilities, expressing confidence in his skill set. "You can't tell me that there are 32 punters better than me. All-UFL Punter in a league where punting isn't easy at all!" King declared. His optimism and hunger for another shot at the NFL are palpable as he stated, "I'm manifesting a call from an NFL team again soon."

King’s journey is more than just about individual achievements; it's about resilience and tenacity. His recent social media posts, where he showcased one of his powerful punts, further prove his readiness. As the new NFL season approaches, King is setting his sights on 2024 as the year he reclaims his place among the league's elite.

For many athletes, age can be a limiting factor, but King sees it differently. His experiences in multiple leagues have only added to his tactical and physical repertoire. The blend of his extensive NFL experience and his recent accolades in other leagues portray a player who is both seasoned and still very capable.

Should an NFL team decide to take a chance on King, they wouldn't just be gaining a skilled punter; they would be enlisting an athlete with a proven track record of overcoming adversity. His story is one of perseverance, proving that with determination, it's never too late for a comeback.

As eyes turn towards the upcoming NFL season, Marquette King’s journey serves as a poignant reminder of the relentless pursuit of passion and the undying desire to return to the pinnacle of professional football. Whether the next chapter of his career will be written on the grand stage of the NFL remains to be seen, but one thing is certain: Marquette King is not done yet.