Exciting Developments in Formula E: Lola Cars and Yamaha Join Forces with Abt

Exciting Developments in Formula E: Lola Cars and Yamaha Join Forces with Abt

In a stunning announcement that has sent ripples through the world of electric vehicle racing, Lola Cars has declared its heralded return to the racetrack, choosing the high-profile platform of the ABB FIA Formula E World Championship for its comeback. This move is paired with an equally surprising revelation: Yamaha, a name synonymous with motorsport excellence, particularly on two wheels, is venturing back into four-wheel racing, something it has not done since 1997. These developments alone would be enough to stir the motorsport community, but there's more. The two are joining forces with Abt, a seasoned competitor in Formula E, to form a powerhouse partnership for the upcoming season.

Abt, Lola, and Yamaha: A Trio Set for Success

Abt's collaboration with Lola and Yamaha is more than a mere team-up; it's a strategic alliance aiming to harness the collective expertise and heritage of each entity to shake up the Formula E grid. The focus of this partnership is the development of a cutting-edge powertrain for the Gen3.5 Formula E cars. This initiative signals a significant leap forward in the continuous evolution of electric vehicle technology within the sport. With Formula E sitting at the pinnacle of electric motorsport, the introduction of innovations from such a collaboration promises to push the boundaries further, enhancing the competitive edge and the spectacle of the races. The goals of this partnership extend beyond the technological. By combining their efforts, Abt, Lola, and Yamaha aim to augment the overall capabilities of Formula E vehicles, focusing on performance, efficiency, and reliability. The synergy between these companies indicates a fruitful future, with each bringing a unique set of skills and experience to the table. Abt's long-standing involvement in Formula E provides a wealth of practical racing insight, Lola's celebrated history in car manufacturing offers technical and engineering prowess, and Yamaha's legendary success in motorsports adds a competitive edge and innovation.

A Vision for the Future

In their statements regarding the partnership, the excitement and forward-looking determination are palpable. Thomas Biermaier, expressing his enthusiasm, said, "We are delighted to have found two renowned partners for our future in Formula E." This sentiment is echoed by Till Bechtolsheimer, who highlights the strategic advantage of the alliance: "Operating factory-backed programmes is ABT's bread and butter, and their experience in Formula E will give us a critical leg up." These statements underscore the strategic nature of the partnership, not just in combining resources but also in leveraging Abt's extensive experience in Formula E to streamline the integration and competitiveness of the Lola/Yamaha entries.

Testing and Perfecting the New Powertrain

The immediate focus of this ambitious trio will be on testing and perfecting the new powertrain. This phase is crucial, as the success of their collaboration hinges on the reliability and performance of the technology they aim to introduce. The Gen3.5 Formula E cars represent the next step in the evolution of electric racing vehicles, promising even more speed, efficiency, and excitement. The work being done by Abt, Lola, and Yamaha will contribute significantly to this progression, setting new standards and expectations for what electric vehicles can achieve on the racetrack.


The partnership between Abt, Lola, and Yamaha in the ABB FIA Formula E World Championship is a momentous development for the sport. It brings together three powerhouses, each with a distinguished history and a wealth of knowledge in motorsports. Their combined effort to develop a groundbreaking powertrain for the Gen3.5 Formula E machines reflects a broader ambition: to drive innovation in electric vehicle racing, enhance the spectator experience, and reaffirm Formula E's position at the cutting edge of automotive technology. As they focus on testing and perfecting this new technology, the motorsport world watches eagerly, anticipating the start of a new chapter in Formula E's history, one that promises to be as electrifying as the cars themselves.